Stretch Film RewinderWelcome to PPD Film Rewinder Machinery

Semi Auto Pre Stretch Film Rewinder

The semi auto pre stretch film rewinder is a multifunction model in one machine with pre-stretching, film rewinding.
Through the pre-stretching speed ratio of the guiding roller, it can rewind the jumbo roll which can be hand rolled to different widths. According to the difference in the speed ratio, it can result in a difference in the type of pre-stretching requirement, this is a way to make the stretch film more economical for a longer length.

Main Data:

Name:Semi Auto Pre Stretch Film Rewinder


Mother roll Width: 600mm

Maximum Diameter of Mother Roll: 500mm

Diameter of Paper Core for Mother Roll: 3inch

Mother roll thickness:18-20micron

Standard rewind roll width: 600mm

Pre stretch rewind roll width:480mm to 540mm

Pre stretch rewind roll thickness:12-15micron

Maximum Finished Roll Diameter: max200mm

Speed: max650m/minute

Diameter Rewind Roll Paper Core: 1.5/2/3inch

Main Power:2.2kw


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Semi Auto Stretch Film Rewinder, Semi Auto Pre Stretch Film Rewinder, PE Stretch Film Rewinder

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